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Special Thanks old

Thanks to all the people who graciously helped with donations to this project.
Without their contributions this book would not have been possible.

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Baker III, Dan Friedkin, The Ramsey Gillman Family, Alfred Glassell III, Greater Houston Quail Coalition,
David W. Light IV, Meredith Long, David Middleton, Reed Morian, Ellen & Ed Randall, Dan Sullivan V, and Wally Wilson


Mr. & Mrs. James A. Baker III, Dan Friedkin, The Ramsey Gillman Family, Alfred Glassell III, Greater Houston Quail Coalition,
David W. Light IV, Meredith Long, David Middleton, Reed Morian, Ellen & Ed Randall, Dan Sullivan V, and Wally Wilson


Mr. & Mrs. James A. Baker III, Dan Friedkin, The Ramsey Gillman Family, Alfred Glassell III,
Greater Houston Quail Coalition, David W. Light IV, Meredith Long, David Middleton, Reed Morian, 
Ellen & Ed Randall, Dan Sullivan V, and Wally Wilson



Scotty Arnoldy, Ben Bailey, Presnall C. Cage, Friedman Foundation, Lajuan & Devin Inglove, Gaye & John Kelsey,
Mavis Kelsey, John Kotts, Peyton M. Lake, Berdon Lawrence, Liza & Jack Lewis, Will Majors, Robert E. Meadows,
David G. Miclette, Nancy B. Negley, Christopher J. Pappas, Harris J. Pappas, South Texas Quail Coalition, Ford Smith,
Michael Stude, Mary & Mike Terry Family, Joseph V. Turner, Ronald Wardell, and John H. Young